zondag 15 november 2009

Designs by Anita in the spotlight and a freebie!

Designs by Anita is in the spotligt with plenty of goodies @ Digital Scrap Cafe as from the 16th of November until the end of the made. She came up with a new a new kit: nature's call and comes with a freebie addon only during the spotlight. There's also a freebie template, a new set of Giggle Templates, which you receive for free if you purchase for more then 10USD on Anita's products!
Using Sabrina Creation's - clean and simple 2 templates

And you can download my freebie template here

woensdag 11 november 2009


The shop @ scrapinsider is filling up nicely. Here are some of my pages made of products by some talented designers

Kit: simplicity by Little Angel Designs

Kit: Imagination by HP Designs

Collabkit Designs by Anita & Danielle Young

ita Designs & Danielle Young teamed up together and made this beautiful collabkit. It suits perfectly for baby girls & baby boys.

Growing Up by Ange

This month I'm so honored to be part of the Guest CT-team of Ange.

And she just released a new kit @ digital-crea.fr called growing up with beautiful papers en some great elements!